February 21, 2024 @ 8:00 am - June 2, 2024 @ 8:00 pm
Institute of Contemporary Art – University of Pennsylvania ICA
118 S. 36th Street Philadelphia,PA19104United States
The solo exhibition Tomashi Jackson:Across the Universe is the first to bring together paintings, video, prints, and sculpture from different bodies of work Jackson has created over the past eight years, providing an overview of the threads in her practice and her use of materials. Approaching her video works as “moving paintings,” the exhibition presents examples of videos in dialogue with paintings and sculpture and articulates how Jackson’s approach to color and conceptual layering translates across these mediums. Over the course of her career Jackson has closely investigated specific histories related to cities, lands, and individuals in the United States.
Tomashi Jackson, Still Remains, 2018. Charcoal, gouache, and Georgia red clay on postal congressional election flyers, brown paper bags. 87 x 83 1/2 inches. Collection of the Lumpkin-Boccuzzi Family
Tomashi Jackson: Across the Universe is organized by Miranda Lash, Ellen Bruss Senior Curator at MCA Denver and organized for ICA by Hallie Ringle, Daniel and Brett Sundheim Chief Curator, with support from Denise Ryner, Andrea B. Laporte Curator and Kristina Centore, Curatorial Project Manager and Administrative Coordinator.
Support for Tomashi Jackson: Across the Universe has been provided by Dorothy & Martin Bandier, Arthur Cohen & Daryl Otte, Christina Weiss Lurie, and Dorothy Altman Weber.